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Remembering Majyk by Valia Lind (ARC) Review

Hello Again!

I was really excited to read this book because it's my first ARC (Advanced Reader Copy). I recently signed up for NetGalley, a website where authors and publishers can post material before it is in stores and where reviewers can request to receive ARC's of those works to review. I had no idea what to expect when I requested about 15 ARC's and was surprised when I received e-copies of about 5 of them. I chose this one first because the publication date is coming up (January 18th) and because I was so drawn to the story. See my review of the story below, I hope you guys enjoy!



"Calista Faulkner never believed in fairy tales…until she is thrust into one. While attending a college party, she’s attacked by terrifying creatures straight out of a modern day Dr. Frankenstein’s handbook. Fleeing for her life, she discovers that her human memories are a lie and nothing is what it seems. Calista becomes a target and her only chance of survival is to trust the mysterious Brendan Parnell. He seems to know all of her secrets, even those she doesn’t remember herself. Together they must fight to protect the most important part of their inheritance, the Relic of Knowledge. Unfortunately, Calista has no memory of her magical life and no idea where she hid the relic. As her memories begin to resurface with bone crushing agony, Calista must face the facts: she is a Volshebnitsya of the High Realm of Skazka and it is her duty to stop the Glava, the masters of Shadowlands. The world around them begins to falls apart. Plagued by storms that are destroying cities and torn by the sinister monsters of Russian lore. The secrets locked deep inside her mind are her destiny and her undoing. If both worlds are to survive, Calista and Brendan must face the darkness around them—and the darkness threatening from within."




As my first ARC, I had no idea what to expect and I had also never heard of the author (although I will definitely be giving her other novels a read now). One of the first things I noticed in this novel and enjoyed was the unique approach to fantasy the author took. This novel and series are definitely in the realm of fantasy, however, she took her time in this first novel wading into her story's world and that's something that a lot of authors don't do.

Another thing I really enjoyed was the author’s use of flashbacks to provide information to the reader about the fantasy world in which some of this novel took place. The author used Calista’s memory loss as a way of explaining parts of the high fantasy world and I really enjoyed that because it felt like we were learning as the character was for the first time. I also enjoyed her inner dialogue because it gave us another layer of character development that I feel not many books give.

I think the relationship built between Calista and Brendan built up really well throughout the novel but came a little undone about 2/3 of the way through. Overall, I was impressed with the chemistry shown between the characters by the author and am excited to see how their relationship continues in the next novel.

There were a couple of cons with this novel as well as the pros. In the middle of the book, some of the scenes started to get a little repetitive. It seemed like we were seeing the same situations over and over again with the same or slightly different results. This didn't last for very long, however.

I also thought the role of Jemma, Calista’s college roommate, was a little unnecessary. She didn't seem to show up much in the book except to move along certain parts of the plot, however, I understand that there needed to be a character to tie Calista back to her college life. The only other thing I would have to say about this novel is that some of the names and places from the fantasy world were incredibly hard to pronounce and some of them I gave up on pronouncing. Other than that, I thought this novel was a pretty enjoyable short read.



Overall, I enjoyed this novel and thought the author did a pretty good job displaying how someone might act if placed into that situation. I’m looking forward to reading the second novel and seeing what comes next.

Length: At 252 pages, I thought this novel was a little on the short side but it didn't feel like I missed anything at the same time

Story Development: I like how the story develops as the main character learns about her past so the reader is learning about it in real time

Romance: Sparks turned into flames! Loved it!

Protagonist Strength: Above Average

Re-readable? Yes

I give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars

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