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April Wrap Up

Hello Again!

It is already the end of April, that means I've been married for almost a month! Wow! I had an unbelievably busy month and did not get to read even half the books I wanted to. Between the wedding and other events this month, I found time slipping away. I'm pretty disappointed in my progress the past 2 months and I will really have to step up my game in the following months to get on track with my goal! (Which I have adjust to 125 from 150) Read on to see what I actually did read this month. Enjoy!


1. Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne

I got this in the mail about a week before the wedding as an ARC and decided to just pick it up. Wow! I haven't read a book so fast in quite some time... This Jane Eyre retelling was so refreshing and compelling. I read it in one sitting and haven't enjoyed a book like this in quite some time. Seriously, check this out! It releases tomorrow!

Pages: 400

2. The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli

I have been meaning to read this one for quite some time and was happy to finally pick it up. I love reading books the feature dragons in their plot and this one was pretty good. This story was completely unlike anything I had ever read and I can't wait for the release of the sequel in September!

Pages: 432

3. To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

This was our buddy read book for the month and a highly anticipated read for me. This Little Mermaid retelling was done so well and the characters were stood out so much I want to read more about them (even if this is a stand alone). The story and dialogue is addicting and this is a great book for anyone who enjoys pirates and mermaids.

Pages: 342

4. Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston

This was another novel I was really looking forward to reading this month. This Anastasia retelling ended up being kind of disappointing however. It was a retelling in the lightest sense and the plot was not very well developed. It was hard to follow and it had such potential that it was such a disappointment. I know some others who have enjoyed this novel though, so to each their own.

Pages: 480

5. The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson

This novel was a reread I was in the mood for and I loved it just as much as I remembered! This story is just so unique and the author writes the cast of characters so well. I never got to read the other 2 novels in the series and now I am looking forward to finishing the series.

Pages: 423

6. Everything I Left Unsaid by Molly O' Keefe

This romance novel is one that I read quite a while ago and immediately forgot the title of. Armed with a vague description, I found the novel (somehow) and decided to reread it! This romance novel is one of my absolute favorites. It's steamy and dramatic and written with so much suspense. This is a great read if you're in the mood for a dark and dangerous romance novel.

Pages: 371

7. The Truth About Him by Molly O' Keefe

This is the sequel to the above novel and picks up immediately where the first novel ends (at a huge cliffhanger!) This novel was almost as good as its predecessor which is quite rare in the romance novel world. I also found out that there are 2 more companion novels in this same story line that I can't wait to read soon.

Pages: 336

Total Pages Read: 2,784


That's it for this month! I was about 2,000 pages and 6 books under what I had planned for the month and hope to step up my game next month. I will be gone for 2 weeks next month on my honeymoon, in Alaska, and I can't wait! Be on the lookout for some great pictures and a wonderful post about it when I get back. Have a great May everyone!

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