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Literary Dinner Party Book Tag

Hello Again!

It's time for another book tag! I feel like I haven't done one of these in forever. This one sounded like such fun and I hope you enjoy seeing who I would enjoy inviting to a literary dinner party. This tag comes courtesy of Dreamland Book Blog. Enjoy!


In this tag, you’re hosting a dinner party. You can invite any character you want, but there are 10 different categories you need to fill, and there's only room for 11 people:

1. One character who can cook/likes to cook 2. One character who has money to fund the party 3. One character who might cause a scene 4. One character who is funny/amusing 5. One character who is super social/popular 6. One villain 7. One couple – doesn’t have to be romantic 8. One hero/heroine 9. One underappreciated character 10. One character of your own choosing


1. One character who can cook/ likes to cook

Mrs. Weasley is known for her stern sense of parenthood and comforting home. Whenever we see her at The Burrow, she is always trying to force food on her family and visitors. This makes her my pick for a character who can cook! I know she would make something great for our dinner party.

Courtesy of Erin Knadler

2. One character who has money to fund the party

Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau is not only a fierce warrior but the lady of several estates in the world of Tortall. Because of this, Alanna definitely has the money to fund an extravagant dinner party. She also has a great sense of wit and would be a great addition to our dinner party.

3. One character who might cause a scene

Rose Hathaway is infamous for her rebelliousness and her ability to kick butt in almost all situations. She is a real female power icon in YA and I admire her strength. She's also a bit mischievous and likely to cause a scene if the situation calls. She would be a great addition to our dinner party and an interesting one at that.

4. One character who is funny/ amusing

Lila Bard is a character you have to take seriously but also one with a sharp wit and a great sense of humor. When I saw this prompt I immediately thought of her because her sense of humor is so like my own. She would be a highly entertaining addition to our dinner party and would have some great stories to tell.

charlie bowater

5. One character who is super social/ popular

Rhysand is a truly singular character. His charisma and wit are unparalleled and he is well liked by everyone in his court. Even when the situation is serious or dire, he always manages to crack a joke and lighten the situation. He would be a highly amusing addition to the dinner party and it would be awesome to meet him in person.

6. One villain

The Darkling is my all- time favorite literary villain both because he has great development and is so misunderstood. I'm convinced he has a good side although he tries to hide it and it would be very interesting to hang out with him, especially with the other company we're inviting.

7. One couple

Aelin and Rowan are undoubtedly my favorite literary couple. Their connection and understanding of each other are something myths are made of. They are also quite hilarious and witty which would make them optimal conversationalists for our dinner party, plus I would get to ogle Rowan in person. <3

8. One hero/ heroine

Jude Duarte is a divisive character. She embraces her dark side and is not your typical heroine. She struggles with quite alot of strife in The Cruel Prince and manages to overcome it while also saving the kingdom. She is absolutely a hero in my book and it would be awesome to meet her in real life.

9. One underappreciated character

Sirius Black may not be underappreciated in your opinion but as my favorite Harry Potter character, I don't think he gets the love he deserves. Sirius is a kind and noble person who did not get nearly as much time in the books as he should have. He has such an interesting background and I wish we could have seen more of it. I would be honored to have him over for dinner.

10. One character of your own choosing

For a character of my own choosing, I chose Valek from the Poison Study series. This is a lesser known series but one of my absolute favorites. Valek is an assassin and a strategist and is very intelligent. He has a dangerous side as well as a charming side and would be interesting to talk to at a dinner party.


There we go! What a rag tag bunch but I think it would be pretty fun to have dinner with this group. Who would you invite to your literary dinner party? Enjoy the rest of your week!

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