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Top Ten Tuesday | Book Mashups (AKA Frankenbook)

Hello Everyone! This week's T10T prompt from That Artsy Reader Girl is Books that You Would Mash Up or as I like to call it, Frankenbook (Its alive! lol jk). This was a harder prompt then I would have thought but I finally created 5 combinations. Enjoy!


Science Fiction

Cinder by Marissa Meyer


Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I just read Cinder for the first time recently and I haven't read Catching Fire in quite a while, but I think they have some similar themes and I think the characters would get along pretty well. I think some of the tributes from the tech district would love to talk shop with Cinder and she could probably compare rebellion notes with Katniss.


To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo


A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

This is a fantasy mashup between a couple of heavyweights and I'm excited! I chose these two books because I think Lila and Lira would get along really well. In fact, they would make a great team as some badass lady pirates and I'm sure would get into all kinds of trouble and adventure. AGOS is a more complex story than To Kill a Kingdom but I think the high seas parts of AGOS would work well mixed up with To Kill a Kingdom.


Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire


Unspoken by Jen Frederick

I have always enjoyed romance novels that take place in a college setting because they were easy to relate to. I especially love these two and think the main characters in each would get along pretty well as both guys are boxers/ fighters. I would also love these authors to create some sort of hybrid plot. Elements of each story would complement the existing story and probably make it even better than it already is.


A Touch of Gold by Annie Sullivan


Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne

I love reading fairy tale, mythology, and classic retellings and have already read about 15 of them this year. I think A Touch of Gold (King Midas Retelling) and Brightly Burning (Jane Eyre Retelling) would be good as a mashup because of the similarities between the protagonists and I think if they switched places, they would have some pretty good dialogue and adventures.

Wildcard: The Maas- Off

Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas


A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

As you may know, SJM is my all- time favorite author. I've always wanted the characters from the two series to meet and this is the perfect opportunity to pretend they have. I KNOW these characters would have some pretty hysterical dialogue if they were put together and I'm certain there would be some arguments. I also think these characters could help each other out with their respective problems. Point is, this would be an excellent mash up.


This was hard but also fun and I hope you enjoyed my mashups! What books would you mash together? Enjoy the rest of your week!

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