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August Wrap Up

Hey Y'all!

This has been an interesting month. I've been on a reading high for the last couple months and finally I have fallen into a slump. I had to stop reading on the 20th and haven't picked anything up since. I read quite a few books this month though, read on to see what I did read this month.


Fighting Destiny/ Escaping Destiny/ Taunting Destiny/ Seducing Destiny by Amelia Hutchins

This series was recommended to me in passing and I never took it seriously because of the cover (to my shame I have judged a book by it's cover). I'm so glad I picked up this supernatural romance and am now addicted to the series. I read the first 4 books in 3 days and started the 5th before realizing I needed to read other books first. I will definitely be continuing with this series when I get my hands on the next books!

Pages Read: 1,578

Cress by Marissa Meyer

I started this series at the end of last month and continued with this 3rd book in the series early on in the month. I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first two novels but it was still quite enjoyable and I started reading the final book in the series, Winter. The page count on that one is a little intimidating so I'm giving it a break until I'm mentally prepared to start it.

Pages Read: 552

The Goddess Test/ The Goddess Hunt/ Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter

I decided to reread this Greek mythology inspired series because of how much I loved it before. I didn't enjoy this series as much I previously had but it was still a great use of Greek mythology and I will probably pick the series up again in the future.

Pages Read: 690

Assassin's Blade/ Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

I kicked off my Throne of Glass reread with these two books. I have never read The Assassin's Blade before but enjoyed the novellas. I decided to skip books 1 and 2 and go straight to Heir of Fire which I haven't read in a while. As always, I enjoyed HoF which has always been one of my favorites of the series and can't wait to continue with books 4 and 5 next month.

Pages Read: 1,013

The Lantern's Ember by Colleen Houck

I read and reviewed a copy of this ARC this month and really enjoyed it. This Halloween- esque tale was full of references to spooky myths and legends and was a charming steampunk inspired tale. This was a great read with charming characters and a surprising storyline. I might just reread it around October!

Pages Read: 416

The Goal/ The Mistake/ The Score/ The Goal by Elle Kennedy

I was recommended this series and am glad I decided to read it! I was just going to read the first book, but love it so much that I decided to read the rest of the series as well. These books are great college romances with different protagonists for each book among the same group of friends. My favorite of the four was the second book but I enjoyed them all thoroughly.

Pages Read: 1,349

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

This was a reread for me. I've read this book at least 5 times since I first read it several years ago and it's still one of my favorite romance novels. Another college romance, this story is complex and has a slow burn romance. It was good to reread again since it's been a while since I read this book.

Pages Read: 319

Heart of the Fae/ Veins of Magic by Emma Hamm

I have heard about these books for a while because of how beloved they are among the book community. These books were written by a lesser known author, which is why I was hesitant, but I'm so glad I did. The story is sold as a retelling of Beauty and the Beast which I can see in the basic outline of the plot but this is mostly a story about Fae and other magical creatures set in the British Isles. This was a surprisingly good fantasy and I'm looking forward to her other books as well!

Pages Read: 700

Pages Read: 6,617

Books Read: 18


Thanks for checking in! I plan to find my way out of my slump next month and also hope to finish my Goodreads Challenge as well! Enjoy your weekend!

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