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A-Z Bookish Survey

Hey Guys! I was struggling with what to post and my friend, Mel, did this post on her blog! It looked like fun so I thought I would give it a try. Enjoy my A-Z answers! Enjoy!


➽ Author you’ve read the most books from: This is an interesting one because this doesn't necessarily mean my favorite author. I'd say I've read Maria V. Snyder (9 books) or Darren Shan (13 books) more than any other. P.S. Maria happens to be one of my favorite authors. ;)

➽ Best Sequel Ever: Fire by Kristin Cashore! Graceling was amazing but Fire was so much better and is one of my favorite books! :)

➽ Currently Reading: At the moment, I am reading Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan and listening to Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor!

➽ Drink of Choice While Reading: I don't really like to eat or drink near my books but if I had to choose, I would say tea! Right now I'm partial to Black Currant Tea.

➽ E-reader or Physical Book? It depends! Lately, I've been reading books on my Kindle or phone but I think i prefer physical books because I like holding onto what I'm reading!

➽ Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated in High School:

I honestly don't know! If I got to pick a HS boyfriend though I would pick I would pick Rowan because he's my book bae ;)

➽ Glad You Gave This Book A Chance: Strange the Dreamer! I wasn't fond of it at first but I'm glad I gave it a chance because it's one of my favorite books!

➽ Hidden Gem Book: There are so many! To pick one? Eon by Alison Goodman. I stumbled upon it in high school and it is such an amazing and unique read.

➽ Important Moment in your Reading Life: The book that got me into reading was Twilight and that was a pivotal moment for me because it was the catalyst to my binging the last 10 years.

➽ Just Finished: Veins of Magic by Emma Hamm and Queen of Shadows by SJm ;)

➽ Kinds of Books You Won’t Read: There are a few sub- genres I just don't enjoy and those include most YA contemporaries, mystery, thriller and horror.

Longest Book You’ve Read: ➽ According to Goodreads, the longest book I've read is Queen of Shadows at 682 pages! That'll change next month when I read Kingdom of Ash though, 992 pages! :O

➽ Major book hangover because of: The Poison Study and Storm Glass Series by Maria V. Snyder. 9 books later and I just want to keep reading! I wish there were more books...

➽ Number of Bookcases You Own: I have 7 at the moment but I always need more!

➽ One Book You Have Read Multiple Times: There are many but I have probably read the Song of the Lioness Series by Tamora Pierce at least 10 times and I will again!

➽ Preferred Place to Read: I prefer to be quite cozy when I read so either the couch or my bed.

➽ Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read: I love book quotes! It's a huge part of my business but one of my all time favorites is from Empire of Storms: "Even when this world is a forgotten whisper of dust between the stars, I will always love you." CUE THE TEARS!!

➽ Reading Regret: There are quite a few that I really didn't like but at the top of that list is Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston... seriously unreadable...

➽ Series You Started and Need to Finish (all books are out in series): I need to finish the DOSAB series! I read books 1 and 2 and need to read the last book! They're so good but complex and my brain needed a break...

➽ Three of your All-Time Favorite Books: 1. Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne 2. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black 3. A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

*All SJM books are automatically included as favorites*

➽ Unapologetic Fangirl For: Anything by Sarah J. Maas (SJM). Even the ones that I don't like as much, I still love! She is amazing...

➽ Very Excited for This Release More Than All the Others: Kingdom of Ash by SJM... Words cannot describe how excited I am...

➽ Worst Bookish Habit: Reading what I want to and not reading off my TBR... I reread far too much and neglect so many other books I'm sure are wonderful... trying to fix this in September!

➽ X Marks the Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater! Still need to read this...

➽ Your latest book purchase: I have a couple on the way right now including The Last Unicorn, The Kissing Booth, and 2 Rapunzel Picture books! :p

➽ ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late): My reread of Heir of Fire... I couldn't put it down and stayed up till 4am!! :O


Alright guys, Hope you had fun on this alphabetic journey with me! Have a great weekend!

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