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Down the TBR Hole #2

Happy Sunday all! It's time to go down the TBR hole again! The point of this challenge is to try and clear some of your books off your TBR that you're no longer interested in reading. I have a massive TBR so let's see what we can do about that! Enjoy!


Here are the rules: ➽ Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf. ➽ Order on ascending date added. ➽ Take the first 6 books. ➽ Read the synopsis of the books. ➽ Decide: keep it or delete it?

#1 Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst

I've had this on my list for a while but after reading the synopsis again, I'm going to take this off my list because it sounds like so many other YA books.

Verdict: Ditch It

#2 Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White

I've been wanting to read this book for a while because of it's gorgeous cover and because I think it has something to do with tea. The synopsis sounds interesting so let's keep it!

Verdict: Keep It

#3 Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers (His Fair Assassins #2)

I have this book a couple times but never finished! The first is so good and I love reading about these assassins so I will definitely be keep this one on the list!

Verdict: Keep It

#4 Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

Something about the cover of this one has always been off putting... That's probably why I never read it. The synopsis sounds unique and interesting too! This one is also a keeper!

Verdict: Keep It

#5 Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson

I've never read a book set in this time period and this one has great potential. Plus, I love this author's other work. Looking forward to this one!

Verdict: Keep It

#6 The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

I've heard such great things about this series and have had it on my TBR for a while because of it. Just reading the synopsis, I know I'm gonna love this book. Excited to give this one a try as well!

Verdict: Keep It


Ok! Ok... I know I should have made a few more cuts but these are all really interesting reads! Next time, I'll be more strict, I promise. Anyway, enjoy your week!

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